MOVIE: *1/2 (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: ***1/2 (out of 5)
Why does Danny McBride have a career? I know there are the fans of “Eastbound and Down,” but who the hell told Hollywood this guy is a movie star. “Your Highness” is a colossal misfire from the beginning to the end. It’s a pot dream of the writers… one of those things that seemed hilarious when they were coming up with the ideas, baked on a couch from the 70s. But put into practice, it’s just lame.
Telling the story of a pair of brothers trying to save a young maiden from an evil wizard, “Your Highness” is saturated with drug humor, potty jokes and plenty of penis references. It’s the kind of film a thirteen year old would watch on a weekend when he broke into his dad’s stash of Löwenbräu. Pot movies as a rule are lazy, relying on college kids to watch them stoned in their dorm rooms. That’s not a tough room, to be honest. Throw in a dick and a fart, and they’ll consider it brilliant.
The only saving grace of this film is the cast, which includes some fantastic actors, slumming it for a paycheck. And Natalie Portman, fresh off her Oscar win, hasn’t looked better in a movie. But that’s not enough to save even a portion of this movie. Can we put the debate of Danny McBride’s star-worthiness to bed, finally?
The Blu-ray comes with some decent bonus features, at least. There’s alternate and deleted scenes, a gag reel and a feature commentary with video intro. Blu-ray exclusives include 15 minute more of deleted scenes, a Line-o-Rama feature and spotlights on the creepy nature of Leezar the evil wizard and the perverted Great Wise Wizard from the middle of the film.