(not rated)
MOVIE: ** (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: ** (out of 5)
Erica Leersen as NINA PAPAS
Henry Rollins as DALE MURPHY
Daniella Alonso as AMBER
Steve Braun as JONESY
Aleksa Palladino as MARA
Crystal Lowe as ELENA
Matthew Currie Holmes as M
Kimberly Caldwell as KIMBERLY CALDWELL
Created by: Joe Lynch
Studio: 20th Century Fox
I suppose that I wasn’t completely turned off by “Wrong Turn 2: Dead End” simply because I’ve become so numb to shock horror this year. While most of the horror films released in 2007 (with the exception of “1408” and the dreadful “Halloween” remake) have bombed, it continues to be a strong market on DVD.
This film is the pseudo-sequel to the 2003 horror flick starring Eliza Dushku. Instead of characters that take a wrong turn at a traffic jam, this film follows a reality TV film crew as they set people up to survive in the wilderness. However, there are mutants in these them woods, and they be itchin’ to eat some reality stars.
The problem facing this film is the same one that faced films like “The Hills Have Eyes II” and “Jeepers Creepers 2.” I didn’t care about any of the characters. Knowing that they’re going to be devoured by mutants at some point offered no sympathy for me because the faster they dropped, the less time I’d have to deal with them on screen.
And while Henry Rollins will rail against crappy films non-stop in his act and on the IFC, that doesn’t stop him from taking roles in dreck like this or last summer’s “Miami Vice” bomb.
The DVD comes with a commentary track, the theatrical trailer and a documentary showing the behind-the-scenes of the film and how the mediocre gore were achieved.