MOVIE: *** (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: ***1/2 (out of 5)
Tim Allen as DOUG MADSEN
John Travolta as WOODY STEVENS
Martin Lawrence as BOBBY DAVIS
William H. Macy as DUDLEY FRANK
Ray Liotta as JACK
Marisa Tomei as MAGGIE
Directed by: Walt Becker
Studio: Touchstone
I don’t know why, but I’m a little embarrassed to admit that “Wild Hogs” has grown on me a bit. Originally, I was dreading the film because I found the trailers to be so cheesy. But after watching the film in the theaters and seeing it again on DVD, I have to admit that it has wormed it way into a small corner of my heart.
This little film about a bunch of suburban biker wannabes from Cincinnati took the county by storm and made news as the first big comedy hit of 2007. The key to watching this film is to not take things too seriously. Yes, John Travolta lays his character on a little thick, and Martin Lawrence is almost as out of place in this movie as he was in “Bad Boys 2,” but I can forgive that.
The best parts of the movie come from William H. Macy, John C. McGinley and Ray Liotta as the leader of the rival biker gang that picks a fight with our heroes. There’s plenty of points in the film that will make people laugh, even if the scenes are a bit random. However, even if you don’t like the movie, stick around for the ending credits, which has a television spoof that made me almost fall on the floor laughing.
The DVD comes with a making-of featurette, an alternate ending (with a little more John C. McGinley), deleted scenes, outtakes, an audio commentary and some tips on how to get your wife to let you buy a motorcycle.