MOVIE: ****1/2 (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: ****1/2 (out of 5)
As a wide-eyed child, I loved the hell out of the original “Tron.” Thirty years later, I was in the IMAX theater, taking my kids to see the 3D experience of the new movie. And now it’s on Blu-ray, looking positively brilliant in that format.
The film has the same problems of the original, including a somewhat clunky script, awkward pacing and some slow moments. But what it lacks in these elements, it makes up in visual stimulation and soundtrack. The effects are as mind-blowing now as the original’s were three decades ago, and Daft Punk’s soundtrack captures the wonderment and 80s flavor of the digital frontier. “Tron Legacy” made my list of ten best films of 2010 simply for its theatrical experience. And on Blu-ray, it’s just as fun.
The Blu-ray comes with a DVD of the film, including the bonus featurettes “First Look at TRON: Uprising,” “Visualizing TRON” and “Installing the Cast.” The Blu-ray disc comes with a special tag for the end of the film: “The Next Day: Flynn Lives Revealed.” There’s also a Daft Punk music video as well as the featurettes “Disc Roars,” “Launching the Legacy” and “Disney Second Screen: Tron Legacy.”