(not rated)
MOVIE: zero (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: ** (out of 5)
Based on the concept, I would have thought I’d enjoy “The Killing.” I like a good detective procedural, and the idea of a murder mystery taken over the course of a season with a day-per-episode structure could be intriguing. Sadly, it’s not the format of the show that made me hate it. It was the show itself.
“The Killing” tells the story of a detective on the verge of changing jobs who gets handed a last-minute murder case. The victim is a high schooler named Rosie Larsen, whose death appears relatively straightforward at first. But as the case unravels, it shows connections to multiple people in town, from a teacher at the school to a City Councilman running for Mayor.
Sounds interesting, no?
Well, the problems come in the execution, not the concept. In the bonus features, the creator of the show stresses how she wanted to examine the emotion behind a murder rather than sensationalize the murder itself. However, this results in countless cliched moments of the parents weeping in front of an answering machine or grieving in private at home. The reality is we’ve seen this treatment before, so it’s really nothing original.
My biggest problem with this series is the characters. They’re all assholes. More over, they’re purposefully depressing, nihilistic beings who are truly terrible people whether they were involved with murdering Rosie or not. The lead detective has a teenage son, and she’s such a godawful mother that I feel no sympathy for her. Her new partner is a recovering meth addict whose entire approach to police work is to smoke dope with people and get them to talk about nefarious things.
There’s not a shred of humor or positive emotion in this series. It’s needlessly bleak, for the sake of being bleak. I struggled to get through even a single episode let along suffer through the entire season.
And to top things off, the story goes nowhere. Even the goofy, wacky “Twin Peaks” from the 90s decided to answer the question as to who killed Laura Palmer in a somewhat timely manner. Sadly, “The Killing” drags things out not for a sense of drama but rather because there’s no creativity once there’s a resolution. It’s painfully lazy writing, and there’s no excuse for it.
“The Killing” fits squarely into the slate of AMC original programming like “The Walking Dead” and “Hell on Wheels.” It’s misery porn with action words in the title that literally go nowhere.
The four-disc DVD set includes several bonus features, including deleted scenes and commentary on a couple key episodes. There’s also an extended season finale, “Orpheus Descending” as well as a gag reel and the behind-the-scenes featurette “An Autopsy of The Killing.”
Spot on review. I barely made it past episode 2. Show is just painful to watch. The lead actress is hard enough to look at with her terrible looks as she works the case in her head. I won’t be continuing the show. Seems pointless. Writers really failed on this one
Spot-on review. Nuff said.
The victim’s surname is misspelled in
the above critique. The reviewer
has some English make-up work.
Yes, because a completely understandable typo on a less-common version of a surname thoroughly negates the contents of a review. Thanks for being “that guy” in the comments section.
This is why I never listen to critics who think their opinions are so profound. This show was amazing from the acting to the writing. …anyone who calls this lazy writing is brainless and should not have a job reviewing TV or movies.
The reviewer sounds sore that there are no magical moments or happy go lucky pickups throughout. The series is a gloomy one and is titled “The Killing” for a reason.
I’m no movie or show buff but I thought it was good so far for the first season.
The review reminds me why I forsook critical reviews during the past few years. I read this after viewing the first season. The critic’s opinion is certainly his opinion. I don’t agree with any of it. This show is what it is supposed to be……dark and without humor….Professionally produced by talented people.,,,, Honest actors who seemed to have respect for their craft. A very good show.
Like most critics, this one likes to hear himself rattle on. Not saying that the show is winning any awards, but it’s actually not as hideous as Liam states. Freaking drama queen. Watch the show if your running out of shows to watch but don’t let negative Nancy pants sway you. Typical cop show. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hah, typical redneck review once again, when there are no gas explosions, fake tits and laughter track, the series must be bad. The first season was gloom and excellent, characters deep and identifiable. I think this [expletive deleted] felt ashamed when the series met with critical acclaim by real critics.
I am on season 2 and really enjoying it. I believe in the characters and the struggles. There should be no comedy or humor in parts as it would ruin what the show is about. I can’t wait to see it to the end.
Clearly the reviewer didn’t spend all that much attention actually *watching* the show, as the description of the new partner “whose entire approach to police work is to smoke dope with people and get them to talk about nefarious things” is 1) used all of one time in the entire series to gain a simple clue on a location from two High School kids (a “nefarious thing” indeed) and 2) not even true weed but “Narc Weed” (quoted clearly in the scene, “smells like weed, tastes like weed… ain’t weed”) from his previous assignment as an Undercover Narcotics officer.
I’d agree that “The Killing” is a deliberately paced show, much like the aforementioned “Twin Peaks” to which it also shares the backdrop of rain and gloom in Northwest America, as well as multiple plot twists before the end of the case. However, this allows multiple storylines to fully evolve before ramping up the pacing, pressure & emotion in the last 5-or-so episodes of the “Rose Larson” killing. I won’t jump on the author’s back as hard as some of the other comments, but clearly in the Internet Age when anyone with the time and desire can distribute a review of various forms of media the differentiation between “Reviewer” and “Critic” is a large one, as in my opinion is seen here.
To be honest I super enjoyed serie1,2,3… The forth was a bit to much…but fine with me!…the cast played very well their roles and and Mrs. Ennis and Mr. Kinnanman had their careers boost-ing after the movie. I do like also a proper review with clear comparison between the good and the bad…and from what Kevin Carr show us is nothing at all. Its blunt,no consistency and made me feel like I’m reading somebody blog!
This for me its not a review if you don’t have a proper cinematography experience and especially if ur not able to see a movie from top to tail!
I don’t know what kind of series you follow. I totally agree with the review. It’s the lamest show with the lamest lead actors.The lead detective shouldn’t be allowed to enter a movie set:-)
“Professionally produced by talented people.,,,, Honest actors who seemed to have respect for their craft.” Wtf dude have you ever seen a tv show. After the first 2 series I had to stop watching as it was clearly not worth waisting my time. It’s because of people like you that this kind of crap is rated with 8.2 on IMDB.