MOVIE: ****1/2 (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: **** (out of 5)
I have a confession to make… when “The Big Lebowski” came out in the late 90s, I wasn’t wild about it. I know that’s blasphemy, and over the years – especially now, getting a chance to experience the movie in high definition on Blu-ray – I have grown to love it. But back then, it was the follow-up to “Fargo,” which is one of my all-time favorite Coen Brothers movie, right up there with “No Country for Old Men.” So, it’s been a treat to revisit the movie again after all these years without feeling like it has to live up to “Fargo.”
“The Big Lebowski” tells the story of mistaken identities as a fortysomething pothead slacker is targeted by a crime boss who wants money from a millionaire of the same name. The writing in this film is brilliant in that it builds a rich character base without getting too overt or too subtle. Everyone in the movie is a complete moron, but they’re loveable morons, which are the Coens’ favorite characters to write. “The Big Lebowski” has become iconic in its imagery, its look, its feel and its dialogue. On one hand, it has many layers, but on the other hand, it’s just about a dude who wants his rug back.
The Blu-ray, which comes packaged in a nice collectable book, includes all the features from the previous DVD release, including “The Dude’s Life,” “The Dude Abides: The Big Lebowski Ten Years Later,” “Flying Carpets and Bowling Pin Dreams: The Dream Sequences of The Dude,” “Making of The Big Lebowski,” “The Lebowski Fest: An Achiever’s Story,’ “Jeff Bridges Photo Book,” “Interactive Map” and a Photo Gallery. Exclusive to the Blu-ray is a trivia game, plus U-Control for behind-the-scenes, music spotlights and an on-screen counter for f-bombs and dudes.