(not rated)
MOVIE: **** (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: ***1/2 (out of 5)
(not rated)
MOVIE: **** (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: ***1/2 (out of 5)
Kevin’s picks on DVD this week: True Grit, White Collar: Season Two, The Superman Motion Picture Anthology, Sanctum and Burn Notice: Season Four
Stinker of the week: Just Go With It
Kevin Carr’s DVD Rundown for 06/07/11
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In this very special episode: The Idiots come out of the gate fighting, then talk about what they liked for about 25 minutes. They refocus on some more intelligent discussion in the second segment with a voicemail from a listener. But soon, things derail as the Idiots take the Charlie Sheen drug, infusing their bodies with tiger’s blood and Adonis DNA. After their faces melt off and Kevin’s children weep over their exploded bodies, they talk about TV news, what they didn’t like on TV and recommendations. Winning!
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep27.mp3 ]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: The Idiots dance around the Magical Studio in the Sky to celebrate the first episode of Season Two, ringing in their one-year anniversary of the show. Kevin celebrates by eating a donut, while Merrill celebrates by letting Kevin derail the show at least three times in the first segment. The Idiots talk about what rocked and what sucked on television these past two weeks, go over some TV news with some detailed analysis of Charlie Sheen, then they give some Idiot Recommendations and get generally offensive.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep26.mp3 ]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: Kevin is grouchy because he’s fasting for his “old dude” doctor’s appointment in the morning. Merrill is furiously making Valentine’s Day plans with a pint of cookie dough ice cream and a stack of Michael Bay DVDs. While the Idiots try to talk about what sucked and what rocked over the last couple weeks in television, Kevin works his special brand of podcast terrorism by derailing Merrill at every curve. If only Denzel Washington and Chris Pine were there to stop him. Finally, the Idiots give their DVD picks and recommendations before slinking quietly into the corner for another two weeks.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep25.mp3 ]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: Just because Kevin is recovering from a bad case of strep throat doesn’t mean he can’t be an Idiot. Together with Merrill, they talk about all things orange, bacterial infections, what constitutes pornography on television and all there was that sucked and rocked on the boob tube these past few weeks. Merrill sounds off about awkward TV theme song transitions, and Kevin looks back a the UK version of The Office. Then it’s a batch of TV-on-DVD and Idiot Recommendations before the Idiots crawl away in shame for yet another couple weeks.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep24.mp3 ]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: The Idiot Boxers continue their streak of irritating each other. Merrill desperately attempts to be professional, but Kevin’s plans to derail the show prevail. Yet they manage to get through all their TV watching with minimal talk of Flashpoint and a healthy dose of TV news in which Kevin gets in touch with his feminine side. Kevin also manages to rip on Michael Bay while Merrill tries to educate the listeners to the finer points of product placement.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep14.mp3 ]
In this very special episode: The Idiot Boxers return to their cage in the Magical Studio in the Sky to talk the latest TV shows. Merrill is giddy about yet irritated at the Emmys, while Kevin is completely confused and insisting that Heroes won best drama and Miley Cyrus was named Best Actress. The confusion is either from old age or the fact that Kevin is now employing the Neil Miller technique to his television viewing. And Merrill quietly accepts it like a trooper. The Idiots talk about what they thought rocked or sucked in the mostly USA Network slate of summer shows, chat about the Emmys and look ahead to a world of on-demand viewing of any and all television shows. And no talk about Flashpoint this week (well… almost).
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep13.mp3 ]
In this very special episode: There have been major changes to The Idiot Boxers podcast. The review segments have been shifted around, focusing more on what the Idiots thought rocked and what they thought sucked. This (and an alleged kidnapping of Merrill and Kevin) led to a summer hiatus for the past month, but the Idiots are back on the couch, ready to talk TV. And yes, surprise surprise, Merrill is going to talk about Flashpoint this week. They also cover such diverse subjects as college evangelists, masturbation, Asian subtitles and what Kevin wants to do to Piper Perabo’s caboose.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep12.mp3 ]
In this very special episode: In revenge for Kevin’s devotion to The Greatest American Hero theme song on the last episode, Merrill launches into full-force “I Love FlashPoint” mode, complete with music and everything. The Idiots give nods to recent interviews with the FlashPoint creators as well as their very special Emmy special. Then they rattle through the slate of summer series, sound off on different topics and lay down some Idiot Recommendations. Merrill, get a tissue!
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep11.mp3 ]
Kevin’s picks on DVD this week: Psych: Season Four, Saving Grace: The Final Season, Insomnia on Blu-ray, White Collar: The Complete First Season and Greenberg
Stinker of the week: SNL: The Best of Tracy Morgan
[audio:http://media.filmschoolrejects.com/audio/kevinaudio/dvdrundown071310.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
(not rated)
MOVIE: **** (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: ***1/2 (out of 5)
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In this very special episode: After flight delays in New York caused last week’s episode to be pre-empted, couch potatoes Kevin Carr and Merrill Barr sit down to catch up on their boob tube viewing. This episode features a listener voice mail, some politically incorrect humor and an Idiot Boxer smackdown over the new Late Night Wars.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep2.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download