(not rated)
MOVIE: **** (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: *** (out of 5)
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MOVIE: **** (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: *** (out of 5)
In this very special episode: The Idiot Boxers are recovering from a week of season and series finales. Before they give their final words on the season three finale of Chuck, they tear through the series finale of FlashForward, which is really just a season finale prior to cancellation. Then the Idiots wrap up by giving their final take on the swan songs of Lost and 24. Summer season, here we come!
In this very special episode: The Idiot Boxers give their take on various season finales and prepare for others, in particular the LOST finale, which wasn’t aired at the time of recording. They also bitch about V at least three times in the show. They cover TV schedules for the fall, then Sound-Off about campaigns to save shows and homages to musicals before moving on to some TV-on-DVD and giving their Idiot Recommendations.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep7.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: The Idiot Boxers dance a jig and talk about how awesome some of the shows are looking for may sweeps, like 24, FlashForward and Lost. They also bemoan the success of the wretchedly dreadful V before rattling off some TV renewal news. During the Sound-Off, Merrill and Kevin look at shows in trouble and the evolution of The Office before reviewing some TV-on-DVD and handing out some Idiot Recommendations.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep6.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: The Idiot Boxers are ramping up for May sweeps with anticipation of finales in 24 and Lost. They also invite a special guest into the Magical Studio in the Sky – the Prophet Muhammed, who wears a bear costume but doesn’t speak for fear of retribution. This leads Kevin and Merrill to talk about some more controversial topics, including the most recent South Park episodes, Conan’s move to TBS and an Idiot Boxer rage-out at Ugly Betty… and one final topic so controversial that the network demanded censorship!
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep5.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: In catch-up mode, the Idiot Boxers cover the slate of TV from the beloved 24 (RIP… sniff, sniff) to what show ABC wants to use as a replacement for LOST. They buzz about a Star Wars sit com and the loss of Merrill’s favorite new show Sons of Tucson. Kevin rants about Grey’s Anatomy and both Idiots lay into reality TV.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep4.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: Couch potatoes Kevin Carr and Merrill meet up again in the Magical Studio in the Sky to bring you a rapid-fire review of the many TV shows on the internet. Merrill laments the cancellation of 24 while Kevin bursts his bubble by suggesting (or rather, predicting) that the planned feature film will be shot in 3D. This leads into an Idiot Sound-Off about TV-to-movie adaptations. And Merrill continues to not comprehend the lengthy run of Doctor Who.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep3.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: After flight delays in New York caused last week’s episode to be pre-empted, couch potatoes Kevin Carr and Merrill Barr sit down to catch up on their boob tube viewing. This episode features a listener voice mail, some politically incorrect humor and an Idiot Boxer smackdown over the new Late Night Wars.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep2.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this very special episode: Couch potatoes Kevin Carr and Merrill Barr sit down for a bi-weekly podcast to talk about TV and nothing but TV. Enjoy their sometimes abusive banter as they talk about cool shows that everyone’s buzzing about, TV news, TV-on-DVD, special recommendations and any other shows Barr and Carr deem relevant.
[audio:http://merrillbarr.com/merrill/ib/idiotboxers_ep1.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Kevin’s picks on DVD this week: FlashForward: Season 1 Part 1, The Box, Nurse Jackie: Season One, Cique du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant and The Informant!
Stinker of the week: Jersey Shore: Season One.
[audio:http://media.filmschoolrejects.com/audio/kevinaudio/dvdrundown022310.mp3]Podcast: Play in new window | Download