(not rated)
MOVIE: *** (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: *** (out of 5)
“Ocean Wonderland 3D” was originally produced for IMAX theaters. Like other IMAX exclusives, it runs about 40 minutes long and is more a presentation of visual amazement than any real substance. This film, and its companion “Sharks 3D,” are presented by Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of legendary oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. He also serves as narrator of the films.
This documentary is a somewhat rote view of the world under the surface of the ocean. It looks at everything from coral reefs to dolphin pods, and it definitely comes with a message. Like so many other nature documentaries, “Ocean Wonderland 3D” reminds the viewer to keep the oceans pristine and safe. It gets preachy, and the lesser Cousteau’s voice over doesn’t have the same spark that characterized his father’s work. Still, it’s a nice, safe movie for home viewing if you missed it in IMAX.
There are no bonus features on the Blu-ray. The only add-on is the fact that this is a 3D Blu-ray, which plays in both 3D Blu-ray players and standard ones. So even if you haven’t taken the 3D plunge for home cinema, you can still watch the flick. Like most other 3D documentaries, it’s shot in the format rather than converted and immerses the viewer more than a standard performance.