Watching YOU’RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN on DVD with the kids. Loved the musical. Curious to see how this is. #kevincarrgoodman
Whoa… and Snoopy talks in this one. I know it’s from the stage show, but it’s weeeeeeird in animation. #kevincarrgoodman
There’s a reference to Ann Landers in this Charlie Brown movie. That column ended in 2002. God, I’m old. #kevincarrgoodman
@filthysize Not the same guy, but he does a good job. It’s just strange to see Snoopy with a voice. #kevincarrgoodman
Suppertime! (for Snoopy, not for me) #kevincarrgoodman
YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN the animated musical is quite brilliant. #kevincarrgoodman
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