In a bizarre twist of fate, I’m going to be watching not one, but two Jane Austen movies… beginning with the BBC’s EMMA. #kevinemma
The best part about the BBC’s EMMA… Gwenyth Paltrow is nowhere near this production. #kevinemma
Most people miss the point of Jane Austen’s EMMA. It is all about the awesomeness of cake. #kevinemma
Emma is like the Rush Limbaugh of Victorian England… if you replace politics with love. But Emma is much, much cuter. #kevinemma
@kamilah Yup. And I’m also embarrassed to admit that the only other thing I’ve seen her star in was DIRTY DANCING HAVANA NIGHTS. #kevinemma
Johnny Lee Miller doesn’t come off nearly as cheesy in his natural accent. Proof: BBC’s EMMA and TRAINSPOTTING. #kevinemma
@carcarr819 & I think EMMA would be much shorter if they used modern speech. A simple “Shut the fuck up” would speed things up. #kevinemma
“Men of sense do not want silly wives.” – Mr. Knightly, EMMA. [I’m not about to point this out to @carcarr819] #kevinemma
@kamilah I’m actually going to be watching ATONEMENT later today with @Stellar143. I forgot she was in that. #kevinemma
There’s a lot of speculation around this piano forte. I, for one, am shocked at how tawdry the gift of a piano forte is. #kevinemma
We’re at half-time of BBC’s EMMA (yes, that was a football term, folks!). I think I might try to shovel the driveway for a break. #kevinemma
Continuing with the second half of the BBC miniseries EMMA. Still not caring about the Super Bowl. #kevinemma
And there’s that piano forte again. I think it’s symbolic of something very raunchy… at least I’d like to think so… #kevinemma
The BBC’s EMMA has superb cinematography, great costumes, fine acting… but the hats are redonkulous. #kevinemma
Clearly, Jane Austen had it in for the gypsies. #kevinemma
This miniseries would reach full awesomeness if George Michael suddenly appeared for a song and dance number with Knightly. #kevinemma
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