(not rated)
MOVIE: *** (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: **1/2 (out of 5)
Timothy Olyphant as AGENT 47
Dougray Scott as MIKE WHITTIER
Olga Kurylenko as NIKA BORONINA
Robert Knepper as YURI MARKLOV
Directed by: Xavier Gens
Studio: Fox
One of the warning signs of a bad movie is that it comes from the video game realm. While there have been a few exceptions, like “Mortal Kombat,” the cinematic landscape is riddled with awful video game adaptation. Sure, much of these stinkers are the responsibility of Uwe Boll, but not all of them.
Considering this tarnished pedigree, “Hitman” actually is an okay movie. Oh, there are problems with it… like how can a guy in a black suit and red tie with a shaved head and a barcode stamped on his neck be so good at blending in? And that’s not the whole of it. There are holes in the plot that you can sail a battleship through. But you shouldn’t see this movie for the logic or characters.
You should see this movie for the action and gunfights… oh, and for Olga Kurylenko.
The convoluted story follows the most conspicuous hit man in the world wages war against his mysterious benefactors. Timothy Olyphant is ironically perfect for the role because of his knack for wooden acting.
Still, the film delivers on what you’d expect. Plenty of crazy action, lots of gunplay and a slick production design. And, I know it’s going to make me sound like a pig, but newcomer Olga Kurylenko makes the film worth it with her achingly sexy style and several well-placed nude scenes.
If you know what you’re getting into, “Hitman” can be fun. And the DVD comes as an unrated selection with some more violence, some more blood and a little more Olga.
One of the special feature I found quite interesting was a spotlight on the Hitman game that inspired the film. Not only did you get a somewhat disturbing look at the psychology behind the game (considering it’s a test to see how well you kill people), but it also gives noobs like me a chance to see what the game looks like. And I have to say that the computer generated hit man looks more realistic than the comparably scrawny Timothy Olyphant does in the movie.
Other special features include a making-of documentary, spotlights on all the weaponry of the film (which is quite extensive), a featuette on the score, deleted scenes and a gag reel.
I’ll admit that I like “Hitman” better than I really should have. I honestly don’t know why. Maybe it was because it was such a fluffy, popcorn movie. Or maybe it was Olga Kurylenko…
Yeah, maybe that’s it.