Blu-ray Review
(not rated)
MOVIE: ** (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: * (out of 5)
You’d think a film titled “Guns, Girls and Gambling” would be full of T&A, which in this case means “tits and action.” Sadly, this movie is woefully deficient on the T department, but at least there’s a certain amount of content in the A department.
“Guns, Girls and Gambling” tells the story of a small-time crook (Christian Slater) is trying to get his hands on a priceless Apache war mask. He attempts this by impersonating an Elvis impersonator. Along the way, a corrupt sheriff and various other Elvis impersonators get in his way before the Native American mob tries to take him down.
With all the Elvis play in this film, you’d expect Nicolas Cage to make an appearance (and considering his recent tax woes, he probably would have done it for a SAG scale paycheck). Sadly, he doesn’t show up, but at least Christian Slater gives it his all in the film. Slater actually works through the character without going insane, as he has in other recent direct-to- video films. Sadly, he’s tempered by the odious appearance of Dane Cook, who hasn’t been in a movie for years. (I thought we finally got rid of him, but alas, no.)
Gary Oldman seems to have taken the role because it was interesting more than for a paycheck, and some of the other Elvis impersonators like Chris Kattan and Tony Cox offer a certain level of humor.
However, the movie really doesn’t hold together in terms of story. It’s competently shot, and the movie looks slick as can be. It’s just the glue that’s supposed to hold it together doesn’t. There’s a weird appearance by Helena Mattsson, who seems to have been dropped in for the jiggle factor, unfortunately covering up everything that should be jiggling.
So as a somewhat nonsensical direct-to-video action flick, it’s okay. However, for a movie in which you hope to see plenty of girls and guns, you really only get the guns… of the metal kind, that is.
The Blu-ray comes bare-bones, with no special features or a DVD/Digital Copy disc.