(not rated)
MOVIE: *1/2 (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: *** (out of 5)
Created by: Shonda Rimes
The best thing I can say about “Grey’s Anatomy” is that it’s better than its spin-off series “Private Practice.” Of course, that doesn’t say much about the series since “Private Practice” is one of the worst dramatic series on television. It also doesn’t help my enjoyment of “Grey’s Anatomy” to have the fan favorite cross-over events where the two series share a storyline for an episode or two.
But who am I to judge? The show is still doing quite well with its audience.
The eighth season features more drama with the doctors of Seattle Grace Hospital. Staffing shake-ups shift the focus and duties of different characters which old-school relationships are tested. Meredith and Derek try to adopt an orphaned girl (with a baby-getting storyline that mirrors “Private Practice”) while Cristina and Owen go through a real rough patch.
At least this season leveled out the overblown external drama. Sure, there’s disasters like sinkholes and airplane crashes in the season, but at least we don’t have another shooter in the hospital. The show goes back to the interpersonal drama well with a death of a spouse and job duties that interfere with personal love lives.
There’s also slightly less revolving door casting that we saw in the previous two seasons, which keeps the show slightly more grounded. Also, unlike the odious “Private Practice,” there appears to be a little levity injected into the stories of this show, and even during the climactic season finale, Cristina tips her hat at the fact that the doctors in this hospital face more adversity than any real-life doctor would.
The eighth season DVD set includes an extended episodes, deleted scenes and outtakes. There’s also the featurette “A Journey Home with Kevin McKidd,” in which the actor behind Owen Hunt returns to his small town in the Scottish Highlands. This doesn’t have much to do with the series, but it’s an interesting human interest piece profiling one of the cast members.
Actually the private practice is a spin off of greys anatomy, private practice was made 2 years after greys anatomy was made
“Private Practice” is one of the worst dramatic series on television” and “unlike the odious -Private Practice -” who wrote this? A five year old child? If you try to write a serie review, you have failed alot! You are saying everything that is going to happen, and also the season final! You have just failed… sorry