MOVIE: *1/2 (out of 5)
DVD EXPERIENCE: ** (out of 5)
Marianna Palka as WOMAN
Jason Ritter as MAN
Directed by: Marianna Palka
Studio: Phase 4 Films
If I were still actively making independent films, watching “Good Dick” would make me want to kill myself. This wouldn’t be because the film would send me into a depression. Nor would it be because I connected so well with the characters that I would fall in line with their suicidal tendency. Instead, it would make me want to kill myself because I would feel like a failure if this movie could get into the Sundance Film Festival, and mine couldn’t.
“Good Dick” is the epitome of the angst-ridden, forever-striving-to-be-different independent romantic comedy. Instead of embodying the fun and spirited fluff that a rom com should be, this film just grinds its teeth through the process.
It’s a non-love story between a Man (Jason Ritter) and a Woman (Marianna Palka). The Man works in a video story and begins stalking the Woman when he discovers her cinematic taste for erotica. She reluctantly lets him into her life, into her apartment and eventually into her bed. Not that anyone really cares about it.
“Good Dick” is deliberately obtuse and forcefully annoying. The characters are so riddled with hang-ups and dysfunction that I felt no sympathy for them. The basis of the story is the creepy Man stalking the Woman, and eventually having them fall into some twisted form of love. However, this is such a far-fetched and ridiculous story that it becomes more irritating than magical.
Palka pulls triple duty as writer, director and actress, but she misses the mark on all fronts, being her own triple threat against her career. I’m sure she’s trying to say something significant before wallowing in cliche with a non-twist at the end (featuring a decent cameo by Tom Arnold), but I didn’t have the interest to try and figure it out.
The special features includes a gag reel, which isn’t that funny, and a featurette “Good Dick Goes to Sundance” which is even more dull than the movie.