Steve Carell and Tina Fey have teamed up to deliver a great date night movie, appropriately called Date Night. And that got us Fat Guys thinking while this movie is great for a real date night, there are plenty of film out there that are not.
So, as a public service, we have compiled a list of five movies you really don’t want to take a date to… unless they’re into that sort of thing.
5. The Last House on the Left (1972 & 2009)

The original poster tells you to keep saying, “It’s only a movie… it’s only a movie… it’s only a movie…” But if you take a date to this grisly it-could-happen-to-you horror movie, you might be repeating, “It’s only a bad choice… it’s only a bad choice… it’s only a bad choice…” Hint: brutal rape scenes in movies generally result in an awkward drive home. (See also #1 below.)
4. He’s Just Not That Into You (2009)

Considered a non-love story, this movie was definitely marketed to the female audience, but it wasn’t marketed for the date night crowd. Think of it as the movie that all the ladies will go to with their girlfriends to bitch about the guys they just broke up with… or will break up with if you take them to it.
3. Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Yes, this was a groundbreaking film for many, but it just might send the wrong message if you bring your date who’s hot girl you’ve been secretly in love with for a while. She might end up considering you a “good friend” after this film, and you can spend the rest of your “relationship” getting late-night calls from her, using you as a shoulder to cry on when she breaks up with guys she actually is attracted to.
2. Twilight (2008)

But you say, “Chicks dig this movie.” Ah yes, they do. But chances are you might be trying to date a teenage girl, and that’s illegal in many places. Either that, or she’s looking for a 100-year-old vampire who can’t actually have sex with her. Either way, it’s an epic fail for you.
1. Irreversible (2002)

Just because the ladies seem to like cultured European cinema doesn’t mean this is going to be a good film for date night viewing. Some may say it’s the nine-minute rape scene in the middle of the movie. But think about this… if you survive that portion of the movie and your date is an epileptic, she just might go into a full-blown seizure at the end of the movie.
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