(not rated)
MOVIE: ** (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: **1/2 (out of 5)
I was not a fan of Dana Delaney’s new show “Body of Proof” from last year. My biggest problem with the series was Delaney, who played the role of a workaholic medical examiner as smug as could be. The smugness bled over into the other characters, resulting in a series where I found myself rooting for the murderers. (For the record, A&E series “The Glades” suffers from the same smugness.)
The second season of “Body of Proof” evens out a bit, though I still don’t like the characters much. This is a top-down dislike, from the series lead of Delaney to the police detectives investigating the crimes. There are a few decent characters in the series that are developed in the second season, including Jeri Ryan as Delaney’s boss and also Windell Middlebrooks as the Deputy Chief Medical Examiner.
As a procedural that pretty much copies the plot points of “Bones,” “Body of Proof” is okay in the crime solving perspective. I much prefer the characters on “Bones,” but considering the ratings, I’m in the minority of disliking the characters on this show. When the series falls into its own formula, it has some redeeming points of originality.
Even the multi-part “Outbreak” episodes, which features deaths in the cast and a medical issue that hits on a personal level, has some decent plot devices. If only the characters weren’t so smug about the outbreak.
The second season DVDs features a full slate of shows, and all 20 episodes are available on four discs. Bonus material includes a bunch of featurettes: “Design of Body of Proof: Living Spaces,” “Bodies of Body of Proof,” “The Stunt Work of Body of Proof” in two parts, “The Effects of Body of Proof: Playing with Fire,” “The Fashion of Body of Proof” and “Body of Ghosts.”
Also included in the bonus features is a collection of webisodes from the “Outbreak” two-parter episodes, looking at the story from the news media perspective.
I looove this show and I love the characters and cast members. Body of proof is an amazing addictive show that I watch every Tuesday after dancing with the stars!!!!!