Noted real-life UFO experts, Bill Birnes and Giorgio Tsoukalos, joined press in a virtual roundtable to discuss the UFO phenomenon and how it relates to the Disney film “Race to Witch Mountain.” Bill Birnes is the publisher of “UFO Magazine” and appears on the History Channel’s series “UFO Hunters.” Giorgio Tsoukalos is an expert on the ancient astronaut theory and the publisher of “Legendary Times Magazine.” Both had cameos in “Race to Witch Mountain.”
Q: Giorgio, you traveled to the remote corners of the planet in search of the mysterious. Did you find anything during those trips that has cleared out all your doubts about the existence of Extraterrestrials?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Yes. There is this one place in South America called PUMA PUNKU, in the Highlands of Bolivia. There, at an altitude of almost 14,000ft we have a field of ruins. The remnants we find there defy logic. Not only are the stone blocks humongous, but also the rock cutting techniques are beyond what we could achieve today with the help of modern technology. What we have there is granite and diorite. The only stone harder on the Mohs scale is DIAMOND. What does that mean? The ONLY conclusion how ANY of this could’ve been doe is if the tools they used were tipped with diamonds… fascinating, ey? Mainstream archaeology claims that this was accomplished by using copper tools, obsidian, and chicken bones. Uh-huh, suuuure. I’ve spoken to structural engineers and people involved with construction and they unanimously agree that NONE of this would’ve been possible without the use of sophisticated technology.
Q: Bill, did you talk to the film crew about your work? What do Dwayne Johnson or Andy Fickman or others think about extraterrestrial life and UFOs?
Bill Birnes: Andy told me a very funny story. He said that at first, the case, and especially Dwayne and Carla interested in UFOs, but not especially passionate. It was a distant kind of interest. In fact, there was no immediacy to the presence of UFOs. So to give some background, Andy played for the cast the first season DVDs of UFO Hunters. As the reality of UFOs sunk in, Andy told me that Dwayne and the rest of the cast had become so enthusiastic that they said, “why isn’t everyone talking about this?” So the answer is that by the time Giorgio got to the set, cast and crew were very enthusiastic. Moreover, the UFO expo scene was so realistic that members of the crew and the cast of extras kept walking over to our table to tell us about their UFO experiences and browse through the magazines. After a few hours, we thought we really were at a UFO expo.
Q: Bill or Giorgio, what are the parts of the Movie RACE TO WHITCH MOUNTAIN that you enjoyed the most – both in the making and in the cinema.
Bill Birnes: I happen to love Jack Bruno’s character. He’s brought into the world of ETs very much against his will. I think that the ET assassin and the Men in Black were also very well done because you can actually imagine how two different species can have the same tasks and approach them the same ways. It’s why I liked Jack Bruno because he had to take on both our bad guys and their bad guy. RACE is a movie about kids at odds with their culture. And perhaps how that cultural disconnect and reconnect is what I liked the most.
Q: Giorgio, do you “believe” Extraterrestrials exist? If yes, how do you imagine how they look like? Are there any scientific facts that make you imagine them this way?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Here’s the thing: this entire topic is not a question about BELIEF. Personally, I do NOT “believe” in extraterrestrials, I KNOW they exist, I am convinced of it. You see, the term “belief” or “I believe in this or that” automatically infers a religious connotation. NONE of this has anything to do with religion. I do not worship ETs. I do not bow my head in front of an alien altar! On the contrary: I myself am a deeply spiritual man, convinced that an all-encompassing force permeates the entire Universe. This is commonly referred to as Pantheism. So anyone subscribing to the extraterrestrial idea, there is no need to loose your belief in God. Quite on the contrary, in fact.
Q: Giorgio, can you describe your work on the set for us? What was the experience like?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Loooong hours, but you know what? It was an incredible experience because we were made feel very welcome on the set. I know it sounds cliché, but that’s how it was. Plus, I am endlessly fascinated by the whole movie-making process and it was a total treat for me to be able to check out the sets and observe the lighting guys setting up the lights and the camera people setting up for the next shot etc. I find the whole process infinitely fascinating and I was thrilled beyond belief that I had the opportunity to experience it. ONE thing I forgot to mention earlier: we were filming deep into the night and we were shooting Dr. Friedman’s lecture, and all of a sudden, Andy Fickman, the director yells: “Break! Let’s get some In-N-Out!” …and I was like “Where? How do we get to In-N-Out from here?” (Because we were in the middle of nowhere). As we walked outside, a HUGE In-N-Out TRUCK was waiting for us outside! In the middle of the night! I had a number 2! It was magnificent.
Q: Giorgio, do you think the film can be taken seriously from a scientific point of view?
Bill Birnes: I’ll pick up for Giorgio, who can also answer this Answer is, yes. I think that absent some defense relationship between our defense establishment and ET, the radar NORAD scene is very realistic. Some of the powers that the ETs have are also realistic because many human beings have demonstrated similar powers of psycho kinesis and being able to vibrate so as to move through objects. Yogis claim to have demonstrated some of these powers. So in a humanistic way, this is very scientifically realistic.
Q: Giorgio, in the movie, Dr Friedman is not taken seriously as a scientist; most people in her conference wanted sensationalism and to hear abduction stories. Is it hard being in this field, knowing you have to face a hefty amount of cynicism and speculation?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: It goes with the territory. I’m VERY aware of the fact that what Bill and I do for a living isn’t quite what people would consider “normal.” But then again, WHAT is normal? Look, it all depends how you present it. Besides Bill Birnes and me you’d be hard-pressed to find any “normal” LOOKING UFO experts in our field. It seems that many of our co-researchers have just stepped off the set of a LORD OF THE RINGS movie in which they played some type of troll. Their appearance does NOT help the cause as a whole. It doesn’t take much to put on a nice suit and wash up. In RACE, Dr. Friedman was quite presentable and thus, just by her appearance alone, she lent credence to the work she tried to accomplish. It is my firm belief that the same counts to the real-life UFOlogy / Alternative History fields. (Now any UFO researcher who reads this and gets upset, you KNOW I’m right, now go get a haircut!)
Q: What are the similarities between the character Dr. Alex Friedman and real life UFO researchers?
Bill Birnes: In reality, UFO scientist-researchers are very unsensational. The best are actually quite dull because they are scientists first and UFO researchers second. The best are physicists, chemists, and biologists. These researchers are dedicated to their fields and do not want their reputations to suffer by being unacademic, unscientific, and sensational.
Q: Bill and Giorgio — What do you think about crop circles?
Bill Birnes: As real as they get. The question is why and how. We know there have been many crop circle hoaxers. But hoaxers can’t modify the soil so make birds deviate their flight patterns around the crop circle. We know that the way the plant shoots are bent, not broken, and also heavily magnetized, is not the result of hoaxing. Then, ask yourself, how can a person on the ground create the complicated mathematical designs that can only be seen from hundred of feet in the air?
Q: Have either of you been involved in the Blu-ray and DVD production of the movie? Perhaps a Special Feature on UFOs?
Bill Birnes: I think we are both in the special features section of the Blu-ray in an eight-minute combined segment. Can’t want to see the HD version of the movie.
Q: Giorgio, is it true that you and your magazine Legendary Times actually had a booth at the fictitious UFO Space Expo in the film? Did you have fun with it? Was it really authentic?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Yes we did! And it was a blast! Truth be told, the fictitious UFO Conference in RACE is not what real-life UFO conferences are like. Personally, I think that the UFO field would be better off IF its conferences were a little more along the lines of what we see in RACE. As far as authenticity goes, real-life UFO conferences can be quite stale, dusty and boring. It would be nice to bring some excitement into it. Disney did a wonderful job and I feel very privileged and proud to have been given the opportunity to be a part of it.
Q: Giorgio, you were one of the founders of the A.A.S. R.A. What were you motives?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: “Motives” sounds a bit sinister… I’d have to say “Education”. We want to educate the world about the fact that not only are we not alone in the Universe but that our planet has been visited by extraterrestrials for thousands and thousands of years.
Q: Bill, do you think that there is a conspiracy among politicians not to tell the truth about the existence of Extraterrestrials to the public?
Bill Birnes: Absolutely. I think that most politicians simply don’t know about it. And if they try to find out, they’re told in no uncertain terms to back off. Look at President Carter, who was kept out of the loop. Look at Clinton, who said they wouldn’t let him get close to it. JFK? The Marilyn Monroe memo makes you wonder. Other politicians, such as Bush 41, was probably at the center of the secret. Cheney was probably close to it because Bush 43 said he was. We know there is a UFO special access projects office in the Pentagon staffed by one of the Undersecretaries of State.
Q: The series 4400 was a mind-bender! Would we inherit special powers like those – good and bad- that the government would monitor?
Bill Birnes: I think there is much truth to 4400. Abductees have told me that they did develop various abilities as a result of their contact experiences. Some have developed the abilities to see into the future. Some develop psychic powers. Some actually can move objects with their minds. But I don’t think that these are powers given to abductees by ETS. I think all of us have these powers that get developed by contact with ETs
Q: How do you distinguish fake and legit sightings of UFOs when you receive the information? What are the first things you check on videos and reports?
Bill Birnes: On UFO Hunters, because we have the resources, we: Look for corroborating witnesses Try to find whatever video exists Search for trace evidence Analyze videos and stills with the appropriate software so as to answer the questions Has the film or video been doctored? Is this scene a set up? What do the negatives or originals show?
Q: Dear Mr. Tsoukalos, the A.A.S. R.A. is determined to prove whether or not Extraterrestrials have visited Earth in the remote past. Could you explain which scientific research methods you are using?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: First of all, none of the work we do is from hearsay. We go out in the field, travel to the actual places, so we can photograph, measure and touch the objects we write about. Like this, we can verify the items ourselves. Also, we compare and contrast. If we have a legend or a story in one place and a similar story and legend somewhere else, we evaluate the possibility whether or not the story had a common origin. And if so, WHAT was the common origin? In a court of law, sometimes proof is deduced by indication, and evidence is selected and corroborated from various avenues. These are the techniques we use. And NO, the aliens did NOT build the pyramids: -P
Q: Bill, when you hear “extraterrestrial life”, what is your first association with the term? Technically, microorganisms and bacteria are also single-cell life forms. Or do you mean thinking, feeling individuals just like human beings?
Bill Birnes: I do think of microbiological or microbial life. In fact, I think that ETs visit us every single day in microbe form I think that we are ETs, landing here from Mars when chunks were breaking off the planet and landing in our oceans to form the key element of the primordial soup that became us.
Q: Many UFO sightings have proved to be hoaxes. Bill what of the proven hoaxes came the closest to fooling everyone?
Bill Birnes: I think that the Morristown Lights hoax in January 2009, fooled lots of people, including the media. The police knew that the hoaxers had launched flares, but an experienced pilot and a local township health officer could not tell that the lights were flares. I couldn’t tell, from the video, that these were flares.
Q: Giorgio, do you think it’s possible that Extraterrestrials live among humans, like shown in the film “Race to Witch Mountain”?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Never say never… who knows?
Q: Bill and Giorgio, with the 40th anniversary of the United State’s first moonwalk, speculation has re-emerged regarding the validity of this event. What are your thoughts on this, and what evidence from your own findings support your opinion?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: OF COURSE we went to the Moon. All I have to say is this: we MUST remember that the space race happened during the HEIGHT of the Cold War. We had many spies in the Soviet Union, they had many spies here in the US. You can bet your last dollar that had we never went to the Moon, and it was all a hoax, that would have been on the front page of PRAVDA immediately. The Soviets would have had a field day exposing and embarrassing us in front of the entire world. So, again, we DID go to the Moon, and any arguments to the contrary, in my personal opinion, are daft.
Q: So… Is Dwayne Johnson an alien, or is he really just that big?
Bill Birnes: Really that big. Very, very big. But a genuinely nice guy, who went out of his way to welcome us to the set and told us that if we needed anything at all, to walk up and tell him. He made us all feel very welcome.
Q: Bill, do you think that there is a place on earth where some secret agencies keep aliens for scientific purposes?
Bill Birnes: Yes. Area 51 in Nevada. Dugway in Utah, and possibly still at Wright-Patterson in Dayton
Q: Bill, do you find it annoying when people generalize aliens into always being ‘little green men from Mars’? What’s with the ‘green’ and ‘Mars’ preoccupation? Even Dwayne’s character in the movie states the same.
Bill Birnes: Not annoying at all. In reality, the Roswell aliens were flesh-colored. Other ETs look just like us and are probably our relatives. But, because it’s not easy being green, and green is the color of reptiles, it is a popular depiction. Green is spookier than red or flesh or purple.
Q: Giorgio, What do you think is the best way to convince skeptics of UFO existence? I mean, it’s logical that there has to be (intelligent) live somewhere in the vast universe but how can you convey this to someone who does not want to believe in it.
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Here’s the thing: this entire topic is not a question about BELIEF. Personally, I do NOT “believe” in extraterrestrials, I KNOW they exist, I am convinced of it. You see, the term “belief” or “I believe in this or that” automatically infers a religious connotation. NONE of this has anything to do with religion. I do not worship ETs. I do not bow my head in front of an alien altar! On the contrary: I myself am a deeply spiritual man, convinced that an all-encompassing force permeates the entire Universe. This is commonly referred to as Pantheism. So anyone subscribing to the extraterrestrial idea, there is no need to loose your belief in God. Quite on the contrary, in fact.
Q: Bill, what is the greatest reason, that makes you believe in aliens?
Bill Birnes: My Uncle Sam, without realizing it, of course, told me all I needed to know. Our government is very forthcoming in special ways about letting out portions of the truth, laced with disinformation, but, nonetheless, the truth. Also lots of documents exist that bespeak the existence of UFOs. And Walter Haut’s deathbed affidavit about what he saw at Roswell blows the lid off the cover-up.
Q: In most movies, the UFO conventions are packed to look like this week’s Comic-Con attendees. Is that an accurate representation of these conventions or are they much more serious?
Bill Birnes: Some UFO conventions are this packed and as crowded as Comic-con. However, Comic-con is certainly more costume and character oriented than UFO conventions
Q: With the steady improvement of high-definition camera technology, how much have chances increased to catch a clear photo of a UFO?
Bill Birnes: I think we already have some clear photos of UFOs, and we didn’t need HD to get them. Back in the 1950s, one of the clearest photos ever taken was by Rex Hefflin. The government tried to debunk the photos, but our analysis on UFO Hunters proved that the government specialists trying to prove a hoax were themselves the hoaxers.
Q: Do you think that – if aliens are on earth and are able to shape shift to look like humans – a story like the one in the movie is possible to become reality?
Bill Birnes: Some people say that ETs are in human form here and are in control of key parts of our government, financial industries, and other corporations.
Q: Bill, if the government has information and proof of the existence of UFOs, why do you think choose to hide it?
Bill Birnes: Probably because, as I have been told, human beings are not ready for the real truth. It’s not just about the UFOs, it’s about us, who we are, where we’re from, why we’re here, what our future is? If you were the president and were told, upon taking office, that this is the truth, but if you reveal it, the ETs will turn very hostile and things will not go well for us. What would you do? You would keep the secret at all costs. Keep the secret and save the planet. I think the decision to hide it is probably obvious.
Q: Giorgio, did you talk to the film crew about your work? What do Dwayne Johnson or Andy Fickman or others think about extraterrestrial life and UFOs?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Yes, I did talk to Dwayne at the after party on the night of the premiere and I told him that I was very pleased how the UFO question was being addressed in this movie to which Dwayne replied that he was very happy to hear this from a real-life UFO expert. And Andy is a self-professed UFO buff! I mean, did he have a choice? He grew up in Roswell! Also Andy told me that he was very happy that the UFO community embraced the movie quite positively.
Q: Bill, would you call yourself an “alien-hunter”?
Bill Birnes: Yes. In fact, I am actively on the hunt for entities, probably in human form, who are living here and controlling parts of our planet. I don’t know what I would do if one actually confronted me, but I would try to get that entity on UFO Hunters.
Q: Bill, Which, in your opinion, is the best sci-fi movie till date?
Bill Birnes: Obviously, my loyalty goes to Andy and Race to Witch Mountain. But, in addition, I think that 50 Million Miles to Earth, back from the 1960s, is one of the compelling movies. I think that the original Day the Earth Stood Still is based on a real event from the early 1950s and was based on a story the CIA privately released. Also, Close Encounters was probably based on a real landing story and human exchange during the Johnson administration.
Q: Giorgio, do you think that science fiction, via books, TV or film, help or hinder the public’s opinion on the existence of aliens?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Definitely help. All these different media outlets most certainly help the general mainstream to get used to the idea “Hey! Guess what? We’re not alone! Not are we not alone, but they’ve always been here…”
Q: Bill and Giorgio, what would you say to people who stated that aliens and UFO’s simply couldn’t and don’t exist?
Bill Birnes: I would say that closed minds gather no information. Even super skeptic Seth Shostak from SETI says that he believes that aliens exist. Just not on Earth. Obviously we disagree.
Q: Giorgio, Which, in your opinion, is the best sci-fi movie till date?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: If you would’ve asked me this question 3 months ago, I would’ve told you THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. That movie will forever hold a special place in my heart. Still, I’d have to say the new STAR TREK blew me away. To me, it was almost a transcendental experience. After watching that movie opening night, my friends and I looked at each other, jaws to the floor, and we went right back in line, bought another ticket and watched the movie a second time, back to back. It was as good the second time around. The interesting thing is, I am not and never was a Trekker… my hat goes off to JJ Abrams. The new STAR TREK is what the new STAR WARS prequels COULD’VE been like…
Q: Would we really encounter special power people from space as those children in the film? Would that kind of power exist to survive such a space travel ordeal to earth?
Bill Birnes: What will blow your mind is to learn that human beings already have much of that special power. We can see the future, travel in time, intuit the thoughts of others, and probably can exercise some forms of psycho kinesis.
Q: Bill, do you enjoy Science Fiction entertainment in general?
Bill Birnes: Yes, I do, and I taught a science fiction course in college. I also write science fiction for Macmillan Publishing
Q: What do you think of this movie in terms of accuracy compared to other, maybe more generally known form of implementing UFOs into entertainment – like THE X FILES, for instance?
Bill Birnes: Andy did a good job of working in real UFO personalities the film. The various UFO expert types, Gary’s character, and even Dwayne Johnson’s reaction to learning that he had ETs in his cab are all right on. The entire mystique of the world of UFO research is also captured accurately and in an entertaining way.
Q: Bill, did you prepare for the shooting of the movie and if so, how?
Bill Birnes: We set up the UFO Magazine and UFO Hunters booths. I worked with History Channel to make sure that Andy had everything he needed for the UFO convention scene. We also worked with Whitley Streiber and Roger Leir to make Andy’s job as easy as possible in a very frenzied scene
Q: Bill and Giorgio, is it hard being in a field that is subject to cynicism and doubt?
Bill Birnes: Not really. You just have to keep doing your job and not seek approval from others
Q: Giorgio, what evidence is there for UFO sightings around the world being legitimate, and how do you go about investigating sightings?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Each year, there are thousands and thousands of UFO reports from every corner of the world. It is my personal opinion that out of the thousands of reports, many are, in fact, objects that have been misinterpreted as extraterrestrial in nature. Still, if out of the thousands and thousands of reports, ONLY ONE report is correct, well, that’s all we need… Personally, I do not investigate any modern UFO sightings, that’s what my esteemed colleague Dr. Bill Birnes does. The “UFOs” which I investigate, visited Earth thousands of years ago. And in that investigation, I consult ancient texts, drawings, petro glyphs, oral and written traditions…
Q: Bill, how likely do you think it is that evidence of alien life will be discovered within our lifetime?
Bill Birnes: I think evidence of alien life has already been discovered on Mars. I believe that we’re not releasing that information because we need a context for it. We need the truth to be obvious, not subject to debate. Also, as Giorgio can tell you, evidence of alien life exists all over the planet in ancient ruins and depictions. We already know that alien life exists and that it’s on Earth. The problem is how to disclose it.
Q: Space- so vast! How can scientist assume the size and the infinity of such an unknown area? Shouldn’t we be traveling in space now- why has technology failed us to build star fleets like we see on Star Trek, etc?
Bill Birnes: I would love to see that. But how can you deliver universal health care, a safety net for working class Americans, and national defense while at the same time investing trillions of dollars into technologies that are not yet proven? A bigger question is how much ET technology does the government already have that they can’t talk about because it would reveal the truth about UFOs.
Q: Hi Bill and Giorgio – what it like being involved with such a big movie?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: It was a great privilege working on this project. I had a blast and one of the fondest memories I have from being on the set was the food were served by a catering company CHEF ROBERT. I mean, the guy cooked for hundreds and hundreds of people and the food was delicious. Just thinking about it makes me salivate!
Q: Bill and Giorgio, can you tell us more about how you entered this field of work?
Bill Birnes: For me, it had to do with my work with Lt. Col. Philip Corso on the book THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL. I was hired by a motion picture company to edit his stories and represent the manuscript to a publisher. From there, I became the publisher of UFO Magazine, wrote other books on UFOs, and then, of course, UFO Hunters
Q: Obvious question: have you ever been in an encounter with an extra-terrestrial?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Never. It seems whenever Giorgio shows up, the UFOs immediately zip away… LOL But then again, I don’t need any convincing. I know they exist.
Q: Can you compare the work of fictional character Dr. Alex Friedman to your work – how accurate has the research been implemented into the film?
Bill Birnes: Dr. Friedman is very much like UFO researchers. In fact, one of the most important researchers in the field of UFO studies is Stan Friedman, a retired nuclear physicist, who also writes for UFO Magazine.
Q: What do you think of the way UFOs and ufology are being treated in films? Do you get consulted often by filmmakers?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: There used to be a time when the entire UFO topic was dragged through the mud on a constant basis. However, I think more and more Hollywood films are addressing the whole UFO/extraterrestrial question on a more serious note: RACE TO WHICH MOUNTAIN, INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL, AND KNOWING, are but a few blockbuster movies which came out recently and they all dealt heavily with the extraterrestrial question.
Q: This question is for both Bill and Giorgio… How do you balance the silliness of the UFO convention with serious UFO research?
Bill Birnes: There are serious researchers, quiet writers, and just plain old-fashioned enthusiasts. Sometimes, it’s just fun to indulge your interests. When I was a Medievalist and teaching college, I thoroughly enjoyed Medieval festivals even though they were fun and not at all serious.
Q: How pleased were you with the results Disney displayed in the Witch Mountain film?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: I thought that the general theme of the movie was very positive toward the entire UFO field. RACE did not make a mockery out of the UFO field and I was very pleased by the final product. I think this is a movie the entire UFO community can be very proud of.
Q: Bill, what do you think about the look of the UFO in the movie? Were you involved in creating it?
Bill Birnes: No the creation of the effects and props came from Andy and is production and artistic staff
Q: Do you think it’s possible that aliens could be living among us already?
Bill Birnes: Absolutely. In fact, some of the aliens are indistinguishable from humans. Some alien species actually are human, who, some say, planted us here
Q: As far as movies go, it’s common to show that UFO sightings always occur in North America. Do you, as UFO experts, know of any UFO sightings in the Middle East, more specifically U.A.E. or the city of Dubai?
Bill Birnes: There are incredible stories of sightings in the Middle East, South America, and Eastern and Western Europe. In fact, some of the best sightings are in Mexico
Q: Could you explain to our readers what is meant by the “Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis”?
Giorgio Tsoukalos: It is always great to hear when a younger audience is interested in the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis. Essentially, the theory is determined to prove whether or not extraterrestrials visited earth in the remote past. The theory gained worldwide popularity through Erich von Daniken’s book CHARIOTS OF THE GODS (ERINNERUNGEN AN DIE ZUKUNFT) in 1968 and I am happy to say that the theory is still going strong. It is a very exciting topic, especially for the younger generation because it combines archaeology with adventure!
Q: Bill, how does the on screen UFO expert measure up to what you deal with in real life?
Bill Birnes: I think that in real life there are so many different types of experts, the screen expert is just like real life.
Q: Do you think aliens could take human form like Sara and Seth?
Bill Birnes: Yes, absolutely. In fact, one of the theories is that the aliens, some of them, are in human form and can shape shift
Q: How did you enjoy making the film, and what was your input exactly in terms UFO history and hunting on around the globe over the years?
Bill Birnes: Enjoyed it very much.
Q: Giorgio, Could you describe how you were involved in the making of the film and how it felt being a part of the production.
Giorgio Tsoukalos: I was invited to play myself in the movie because of some scenes that were shot at a UFO Conference in Las Vegas. It was a thrill to be a part of the production and I felt very welcome during my days of shooting.