MOVIE: zero (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: **1/2 (out of 5)
When I read the basic blurb about “Bellflower,” I was kind of excited to see it. After all, I could get into a movie about “Mad Max” fans trying to build their own post-apocalyptic weapons and car. However, when I saw the film, it was a massive, uber-disappointment. “Bellflower” skips away from the “Mad Max” motif quickly and tells the story of a whiney, anxious and pathetic loser as he falls into a relationship with a free-spirited girl in a bar.
What we end up with is an angst-filled relationship drama about people in the 20s who can’t keep their emotions in check. Told in a slightly disjointed fashion with some fantasy and dream elements, “Bellflower” lost my interest long before it threw anything interesting at me. I’m all for a good love story, but this sort of emotional menstruation from a filmmaker trying to make sense of his own failed relationship is lost on me.
Oh, and the filmmakers don’t even get their facts straight. Lord Humungous (whom the main characters idolize) is from “The Road Warrior,” not “Mad Max.” This disappoints me.
The Blu-ray from Oscilloscope comes with a DVD and Blu-ray disc, and it includes a lengthy behind-the-scenes featurette, outtakes, theatrical trailer and the concept art for the post-apocalyptic Medusa car.