(not rated)
MOVIE: *** (out of 5)
BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE: **** (out of 5)
For the first time on Blu-ray, the classic 20th Century Fox romance “An Affair To Remember” comes to life again. Cary Grant plays a jet-setting playboy who meets a woman (Deborah Kerr) on an ocean liner. Even though they are both engaged to other people, they strike up a relationship and fall in love during their voyage. As they prepare to disembark, the two lovers agree to meet up six months later, but a tragic string of events prevents the meeting, and they must continue with their lives.
Like many classic films, I had missed “An Affair To Remember” for years. Yeah, I had seen “Sleepless in Seattle” (which I wasn’t very fond of at all), but it never quite inspired me to see this film. Fortunately, its debut on Blu-ray has allowed me to finally check this out.
I’m not a huge fan of the classic romances, often preferring the modern romantic comedy over the love stories of yesteryear. But like many classic films, I can respect a movie like “An Affair to Remember.” The thing I liked most about this movie (which was better than the inspired “Sleepless in Seattle”) is that we actually get to see the characters fall in love. There’s a nice, healthy development of their story while on the ocean liner, and so it makes the film all the more heartbreaking when their lives keep them apart afterwards.
This film was made in a time of movie stars, and it’s clear that Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr were the real draws here. Both are pleasant and charismatic on screen. They have chemistry, which makes a viewer want them to reunite.
On the whole, “An Affair To Remember” is a satisfying romance that works from beginning to end, featuring movie stars of the day that you just can’t help but adore.
The only problems with this movie are products of its era, but without them it wouldn’t be a classic film. Still, the flowery talk of love gets a bit much at times, and I can’t help but think that Cary Grant might just be a little too old for Deborah Kerr.
Still, it’s a sweet story and something that any film fan should check out at least one in his or her life.
This new Blu-ray has plenty of special features, including an audio commentary by singer Marni Nixon and film historian Joseph McBride. There are spotlights on Deborah Kerr, Cary Grant, director Leo McCary and producer Jerry Wald. Additional featurettes include “The Look of An Affair To Remember,” “AMC Backstory: An Affair To Remember” and two Fox Movietone Newsreels.
Additional features for this Blu-ray include the theatrical trailer as well as the 24-page collectible book packaging.
Fans of the classic cinema romance.
this cheesy story is full of holes and cliches.World-famous Cary Grant is a big game hunter who jets off hither and yon at the drop of a hat though it transpires that he has no money of his own and becomes and artiste – and a successful one – in a matter of months. Seeing him in his eternal suits (and cashmere coat, and handmade shoes) underscores the ridiculousness of it all. As for the book, it is mawkish and sappy, drowning in false sentiment. It is further marred by the idiocies of “the entire ship” watching them “fall in love”. I suppose times were (much, much) simpler (read moronic) then. Deborah Kerr’s clothes are nice…