Meet Kevin Carr
Kevin Carr, Host
Fat Guys at the Movies
In the early 1970s, Kevin crawled from the primordial ooze in time to see all the Star Wars movies in the theater and enjoy all-night movie marathons though his formative years. He grew up watching movies to the point of irritation for his friends. He was a font of useless movie knowledge until he decided to put that knowledge to good use. He is now a professional film critic read worldwide, much to the chagrin of Michael Bay.
Kevin is a member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association, the Online Film Critics Society and the Central Ohio Film Critics Association. His reviews can be read on the internet at Fat Guys at the Movies. His radio reviews have been heard around the country on dozens of radio stations.
Kevin is the host for the Fat Guys at the Movies radio show, which is also heard on 50 stations around the country each week. Additional content from Kevin beyond the radio show comes in the form of the podcast Second Reel. Each week, Kevin also produces the Here’s the Deal weekly film reviews. In the past, Kevin also co-hosted New to Netflix, OSNAP! and The Idiot Boxers.
please review Blackfish.
To Kevin, I just posted a few items on your own (“Batman vs. Superman” review)
For some reason I can’t contact ya’ via FB though, so tried to on that area
Please let me know sometime, if you got it (
& only earlier got the news that *Warren Beatty finally just finished his long in the works bio of Howard Hughes!
Reckon’ your own WFLA on Friday’s only.
(P.S. I tried to cover a few things on your review-(favs, current flix, websites, *Oscars, Bob Ross, Steve Persall,etc)
Don’t know if you’ll get to read ’em though?
Hope so & I thank you
They used top have Bob on once a week too
Sorry the Facebook connect didn’t work. My personal page is The main page for the show is You can try either one.
& to the other person & “Blackfish’ Speaking of the *Academy Awards, it was just another deserved *Oscar controversy when it was snubbed for a Best Documentary nod-(same goes for Roger Ebert’s 20143 “Life Itself” & many others0
However, don’t know if it was officially released in an LA theatre in time or not, to qualify
If it was, it was “ROBBED!”
I’m pretty sure both BLACKFISH and LIFE ITSELF met the Oscar criteria that year. Both were good docs. Tho there are always snubs throughout the process. Especially docs… they’re very political behind the scenes.
I didn’t yet see you were a member of the OFCS There are 2 of them, which one are you a member of?
If it’s the 1 I’m thinking of, as you know they have also had their own annual “Movie Awards”
I don’t think the other one has ’em though
& “Broadcast Film Critics” as well COOL!
Actually, I’m a member of three groups – OFCS, BFCA (Critics’ Choice) and COFCA (local Central Ohio group). All three have end-of-the-year awards, though BFCA is the highest profile. Thanks!
To Kevin, I also keep files on everything movies for yrs now & long before the net. & saw that for OFCS’ annual awards last year they voted “MMFR” as Best Film, did you agree?
Personally, I barely liked “Inside/0ut” the most last year & as you know “The Revenant” was widely predicted to sweep, but of course *”Spotlight” won instead
Were you also able to check out Tom Hardy in “Legend?”
Obviously all knew *DiCaprio would win though I first knew he was an excellent actor from ’93’s “this boys life” & especially “Gilbert Grape?”
& I don’t care what they say, I went to both & Sly was “Robbed’ for “Creed!”
“Bridge of Spies” is a fine film (***-out of four) & *Mark Rylance was fine in it, but???
It’s strange that the OFCS voted *Blanchett for Best actress over *Brie Larson though?
Personally, I rank *Cate among the 3 greatest “Alive” after *”Marvelous Meryl” of course, but *Brie seems like a concensus for “Room”
(P.S. also saw other night somewhat of a trailer, but just footage of the making of “Kong: Skull Island”
Have you?)
My handle/name of (Spencer) is due to my #1 Idol being *”The Great: Spencer Tracy”-(l900-67)
since I was a kid of about 14 to 15 Even got to know remaining members of his family, that then resided in Mojave Desert
*”The Chairman of the Board: Frank Sinatra”-(l9l5-98) being runner-up!
I didn’t think MMFR was best of the year. Exhilarating and fun, yes, but not best overall. As far as epic scope and science fiction, I thought STAR WARS was overall better than MMFR, but that’s partly the fanboy in me talking.
I loved INSIDE OUT, mainly because it was classic out-of-the-box thinking by Pixar. Still, I’m thrilled SPOTLIGHT won. It’s one of the best films of the year. I liked REVENANT, but wasn’t topping my list.
Saw LEGEND, and Hardy was good, but the narrative was kinda sloppy and all over the place. As for DiCaprio… this was his year. Much thinner competition for him, which is good so he could get that win. Next up would be Gary Oldman, I suppose.
Sly was good, but Rylance’s performance was so subtle. Plus, I think the Academy voters were resisting the populace vote on that one (even though he was favored to win). But I agree, BRIDGE OF SPIES was a fine film but not best of the year.
Not surprised the OFCS went for Cate, though I would have guessed Larson on that one. But Cate is hard to beat, and the OFCS likes to vote different sometimes. Cate’s great. I’m only lukewarm on Meryl… some performances I like; others leave me cold (like MAMMI MIA and RICKI).
Haven’t seen the SKULL ISLAND stuff. I usually don’t look at early footage until we get a trailer.
To Kevin, I know your busy, but you never replied to us on here?
To Mr. Carr, you never replied on anything I posted awhile ago???
Sorry. It’s been very busy here. Responding soon.
Kevin Carr is absolute fricking joke. His review of Birth of a nation is the reason there is a need for more black movie reviewers. He obviously holds some racial grudge against Nate Parker and his insistence on bringing up a past trial in which Parker was found INNOCENT doesn’t matter to Carr. He was on a station locally here in Cincinnati and the host had to correct him to set him straight on the facts. Birth of a Nation is an excellent movie. Unfortunately fat white guys at the movies dont see it that way . i guess you cant please a racist
Well, since you brought up facts… Nate Parker was found “not guilty,” which is a huge difference from being found “innocent.” There just wasn’t enough evidence to convict him. His roommate (and writing partner for BoaN) was indeed found guilty, and it was acknowledged that Parker was in the room when it happened but just didn’t participate in the assault. He then appealed, and the victim chose not to go through the emotional distress of the trial, so he was then acquitted by default. Then the victim committed suicide. Not exactly reeking of innocence.
Second, none of the hosts I spoke to on WLW in Cincinnati corrected my facts. We discussed the case. In fact, I don’t recall a host (either Mike or Sterling, whom I talked to about the movie) setting me straight on anything.
I never said BoaN was a bad movie. I said it was a good movie, but marred by Parker’s history. And considering that the sexual assault of slaves is a key thing in the movie itself, it makes it hard to divorce the work from the man.
TO KEVIN, merry c’mas pal! Not to sound depressing, but I arguably had “THEE WOREST EVER!”
To start with had it all set to go & see “La La Land” & the darn taxi got screwed-up-(hopefully tomorrow0
then the next time I hope to go is the week of January 13th
Either “Silence’-(can’t wait for your view) “Hidden Figures” “Fences” or thee 1 I waited a couple months for, but now may noit even get a wude release-(reviews*De Niro in “”The Comedian”-(AKA Rupert Pupkin 30yrs later)
saw the the Florida critics voted “The Lobster” as Best Film?
I wrote you via msg, p[lease reply & give me your respected comments,etc?>??
I recall around 1995 when talking to Persall on the ph & he was excited about getting that group
I like Bobh Ross more then him, just me I reckon’
I wager “The Lobster” does garner a writing nom.
Kevin, got to go to “LA LA LAND” & I rarely get impressed by anything, especially the older I get-(at 52)
But, found it marvelous & will certainly sweep 7-8 *AcademyAwards-(including Emma)
& musicals are far from my fav. film genre’s too.
Hopefully next
“Fences” & then “Silence”-(I was right about 3 months back, on paper it seemed a lot like 1986’s powerful “The Mission”-(though of course without *Morricone’s magnificent score)
& they had the trailer-(FINA:LLY) for the remake of 1979’s lil gem “Going in Style”-(remember it?)
To Kevin, didn’t you get my Facebook msg item I sent you days back?
Please let me know either way & your overall opinion of the *Oscars?
I don’t recall tyour rating of *”Moonlight”
At any rate how do you rate it vs “La La Land?”-(biggest BP upset in it’s 89yrs)
I enjoy listening to your reviews on 970 WFLA in Tampa when you call in. Keep up the good work – even though you have to put up with Jack asking you the same question about comedies all the time. When Jack gets stuck on a theme – he really gets stuck.
You talked about Snowpiercer on the radio today 1-12-20. Did you know about the growing movement that believe Snowpiercer is Willy Wanka in the future. Youtube has some in depth videos on it. Search snowpiercer willy wonka.
I have not heard that. Sounds crazy but I can see where they can make the connection.
I am looking for a way to watch the 2019 Estonian movie TRUTH AND JUSTICE. We currently subscribe to Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Now. Is there another streaming service that you recommend?
Some services I like that have some more obscure and hard-to-find titles include Tubi TV, Pluto TV, and Shout Factory TV. However, I’m not sure how well versed they are with international films. You might also want to try out something like the Criterion Channel or Kino Lober, if they have a streaming service.
kevin can you explain the ending toMARTHA MACY MAY MARLENE
I’m the podcast host of the JURS Podcast and would love to invite you guys onboard.
I have a joke!
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Aida who?
Aida lot of sweets and now I’ve got tummy ache!
down with love is good
Hey. How can we follow you easier than replying to a comment on a website? Do you have a Twitter handle?
Hey Kev. Give a shout if you got time.
Hi Kevin
Long time no see!!!! It’s Esther I was trying to find a copy of Going Corporate and A Taxing Matter.
Thank you so much, so happy to have found you.
How can you sit through so many movies. do you get any exercise?